Energy Solutions

Blu Ocean offers a unique opportunity for any organization using small to large compressed air systems. Our decades of experience provide users the rare opportunity to work with a single company to: 

  • reduce energy consumption in all compressed air applications 
  • combine multiple utility rebates and programs 
  • install the proper energy-efficient compressed air equipment with supply and demand-side techniques to significantly reduce overall energy consumption.
energy efficient compressor room


Compressed air systems are more than slapping together an air compressor with random components. Instead, these complex and integral devices need to function as a harmonious microsystem that optimizes each component's function.

Blu Ocean provides compressed air systems that utilize:

  • variable speed drive compressor
  • cycling dryers
  • low-pressure drop filter
  • no-loss drains
  • heat desiccant dryers
  • blower purge desiccant dryers
  • flow controllers, offering storage and control
  • When properly spec'd and professionally installed, this equipment optimizes air efficiency and dramatically reduces energy consumption.

    Ready to get started or have a question? Send a message to a Compressed Air expert today.

    Rebates and Incentives

    Most everyone is aware that utility companies offer energy reduction incentives for all sizes of business and residential customers. However, finding the right program can be somewhat time-consuming, navigating their website to find the right program. For example, a major Illinois power company has 130+ programs and requires pre-application, worksheets, and application deadlines.

    Blu Ocean eliminates the red-tape and streamlines the process through years of experience working with the different utility companies. Let us do the leg work and save you money to focus on what makes your organization successful.

    Calculate Your Savings

    Today's energy-saving compressed air equipment savings are very predictable. Equipment manufacturers provide energy calculators to allow end-users to predict what savings they would find if they purchased energy-efficient equipment. The fixed costs are built-in, allowing end-users to populate their demand and electrical costs to calculate the annual savings.

    Return On Investment

    As energy costs continue to rise and equipment efficiency upgrades are becoming more popular, it is a great time to jump on opportunities to invest in an efficient compressed air system. Adding to the reduced energy consumption, the utility companies in most areas offer aggressive rebate programs to stimulate purchasing energy-efficient equipment, which shrinks the length of returns on investment in many cases under a year.

    Air Assessment

    Blu Ocean experts can help identify the air leaks and inefficiencies in your system, costing you money and wasting energy, offering an increase in profitability. In addition, the comprehensive study offers solutions for demand and supply-side air use.

    Heat Recovery

    Thousands of dollars in gas utilities are wasted every year, but they can quickly be recouped. The heat generated by compressing air is staggering and often overlooked as a usable heat source during the colder months. Even a small, compressed air system easily represents five household furnaces constantly discharging 100-degree heat.

    During the summer, this heat should be directed outside, saving on cooling expenses.